Dr. Peter Geissler, MD, PhD, PE, Esq

 It is uncommon for a man to be highly regarded in more than one field of endeavor.

By any standard, therefore,

Prof. Dr.(med.) Peter S. Geissler, AB, BS, MS, MPhil, PhD (Yale),
MA, MEng, MS, PhD, MS, MD, MPhil (Cantab), PhD
BAS, BAI (Trinity), LCE (Trinity)

is an uncommon man.

“Call Geissler”

Dr. Geissler is well known as a Commissioner-for-Oaths, court-appointed appellate mediator, research psychoanalyst, professional engineer, licensed physician, advocate before the United States Food and Drug Administration, and an authority on international trademark registration.  Dr. Geissler is a highly regarded advocate, especially in the fields of labor law, water rights law, and intellectual property law.

In California, Dr. Geissler is a court-appointed mediator, registered professional civil engineer, licensed general engineering contractor, and licensed psychoanalyst.

In other jurisdictions, Dr. Geissler is an intellectual property attorney, licensed physician, licensed land surveyor, licensed water right surveyor, certified water right title examiner, registered professional mechanical engineer, registered professional structural engineer, and Commissioner-for-Oaths.

In Europe, Dr. Geissler is an intellectual property attorney (Malta), Commissioner-for-Oaths (Gibraltar), and trademark and patent lawyer (Ireland).

In California, Dr. Geissler has standing in court pursuant to Rule 4.29.  Dr. Geissler is the pupil of Mr. David E. Allen, Attorney-at-Law via the California Law Office Study Program.  

In California, Dr. Geissler provides legal defense against medical malpractice claims and disciplinary proceedings before healthcare licensing boards.

In addition, Dr. Geissler is well-versed in labor law, workmen’s compensation appeals and water law.

Contact Dr. Peter Geissler, MD, PhD, Esq for prompt and professional legal representation.

        Dr. Peter Geissler, MD, PhD, Esq
Geissler & Associates / Law Partners
465 Forest Avenue, Suit E
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (415) 887 – 8704
Email: [email protected]

Immigration Advocates

Dr. Geissler is an immigration consultant pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Sections 22440-22448 and serves as a representative for those seeking visas, residency status or citizenship in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Medical License Law
The Medical Board of California may take disciplinary action against a physician for malpractice or bad behavior,  including “substantially-related” conduct.  The term substantially-related conduct is a catch-all term used by the Medical Board of California to describe actions that are significantly related to a physician’s qualifications, duties, or functions.  The Medical Board of California interprets “substantially-related” broadly.  Examples of substantially-related conduct include minor offenses such as driving under the influence (DUI).

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners defends physicians and other healthcare providers in disciplinary proceedings before medical licensing boards, medical review boards, and the courts.

Labor Law

Labor Law has been the primary focus of Geissler & Associates / Law Partners for eighty years.
Ted Broadwell Geissler (Stanford 1937) established the labor law consulting firm, Geissler & Associates, in Los Angeles in 1942 at the onset of World War II to improve labor-management relations at Lockheed Aircraft at a time when labor strikes or labor slowdowns might impair United States military readiness.  The hallmark of Ted Broadwell Geissler and Geissler & Associates is embodied in one word: TEAMWORK.

The next generation, Ted Jock Geissler, applied the TEAMWORK principal to all fields of endeavor, extending the TEAMWORK commitment to both employers and employees in construction, maintenance, and service industries.
Presently, Dr. Peter Scott Geissler (Stanford 1971, Yale 1974) is the principal advocate at Geissler & Associates / Law Partners.

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners provides advocacy for both labor and management in labor-law related adjudications before several Boards of Appeal regulated by the California Department of Industrial Relations.

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents unemployed workers in proceedings (incl. appeals and petitions) to an Administrative Law Judge of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB).

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents employers in proceedings before the Occupational Safety & Health Appeals Board (CAL-OSHA).

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents injured workers in proceedings before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB).

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents uninsured employers in proceedings before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB).

Mr. David E. Allen, Esq. is the supervising attorney at Geissler & Associates / Law Partners.

For eighty years, the first step in resolving labor law disputes has been to “Call Geissler”.

Water Rights Law

Dr. Geissler is a certified water right title examiner in Idaho, prepares water right title reports, and represents property owners in water right adjudications before the 5th Judicial District Court in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Dr. Geissler is a licensed water right surveyor in Nevada, prepares water right title reports, and represents property owners in water right proceedings before the Office of the State Engineer.
Dr. Geissler is a licensed civil engineer in California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming and routinely represents property owners in water right adjudications before the Office of the State Engineer and / or State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”), Division of Water Right (“Division”), Administrative Hearing Officers (“AHO”).

Expert Land Surveying

Dr. Peter Geissler, civil engineer, is a licensed professional land surveyor in several jurisdictions.

United States Food and Drug Administration Advocate

Dr. Geissler is a licensed physician, and is an effective advocate for biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical companies with applications pending before the United States Food and Drug Administration.  Dr. Geissler has a PhD in physiology from Yale University and MPhil in biological sciences from University of Cambridge. Dr. Geissler is uniquely positioned to serve as a consultant to biotechnology companies and pharmaceutical companies to facilitate successful applications before the United States Food and Drug Administration.

European Intellectual Property Law

Dr. Geissler is a registered EEA representative for patent prosecution and trademark registration in Ireland.  Dr. Geissler is also an intellectual property attorney in Malta.

European Trademarks Registry

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners offers trademark registry services before the national industrial property authorities in Ireland, United Kingdom, and Malta.

European Patents Registry

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners offers patent research, drafting, and prosecution services before national industrial property authorities in Ireland and Malta.

United States Social Security Representative

Dr. Geissler is a representative for the prosecution of claims, redeterminations, reconsiderations, hearings and appeals before the Social Security Administration pursuant to applicable federal law.  [Ref: (i) 8 U. S. C. § 203, 205, and 207; and 42 U. S. C. § 406 (a), 1320a-6, and 1383(d)(2); (ii) 20 CFR § 404.1700 et. seq., 408.1101, and 416.1500 et. seq.; (iv) Social Security Rulings 83-27 and 82-39; and (v) 6 U. S. C. § 6041 and 6045(f).]

United States Medicare Representative

Dr. Geissler is a Medicare claims representative pursuant to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act and related provisions of Title XI of the Act.


Dr. Geissler is a registered Commissioner-for-Oaths in Gibraltar pursuant to the Commissioners for Oaths Act, 1889.

Electronic Signatures

Dr. Geissler issues accreditation certificates in Gibraltar for electronic signatures under section 13(1) of the Electronic Commerce Act 2001.  Dr. Geissler is also permitted to authenticate electronic signatures in Malta and throughout the European Union.


Geissler & Associates / Law Partners provides Apostille services for the legalization of certified copies of documents intended to be used in United States and other countries that are parties to the Hague Convention of 5th October 1961. 

Guardian Ad Litem

 Dr. Geissler is a court-appointed guardian ad litem under California Code of Civil Procedure § 372 et seq.
Dr. Geissler is also a court-appointed guardian ad litem under California Family Law § § 6229, 7635.

Mental Status Evaluations

 Dr. Geissler is a licensed research psychoanalyst in the State of California.

Dr. Geissler’s medico-legal consulting practice is limited to the assessment of the mental capacity of adults pursuant to California Probate Code § 810 et seq.

A mental status evaluation can be performed face-to-face or by means of confidential and secure doctor-patient telecommunications.

Dr. Geissler is a renowned expert in psychiatric mental status evaluations in relation to the concept of “informed consent” and the mental status requirements for decisional capacity in healthcare.

Unemployment Insurance Appeals

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents unemployed workers in proceedings (incl. appeals and petitions) to an Administrative Law Judge of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB).

CAL-OSHA Appeals

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents employers in proceedings before the Occupational Safety & Health Appeals Board (CAL-OSHA).

Workers’ Compensation Appeals

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents injured workers in proceedings before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). 

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners represents uninsured employers in proceedings before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB).

Certified Copies of Documents

Geissler & Associates / Law Partners prepares certified copies of private and public documents including passports, wills, and trusts.  Such certified copies are for use in the United States and other countries that are parties to the Hague Convention of 5th October 1961.
